Costa Rica to reopen land borders to Tourists April 5

Authorities have announced that Costa Rica will reopen its land borders to arriving tourists starting April 5th, 2021. If you are planning to travel to Costa Rica (by-land) read this first.

There are two main things you must do before you enter Costa Rica by land during the Pandemic they are get insurance and fill Costa Rica’s Health Pass. Read more about the process below or watch this super informative YouTube video Know the requirements for tourists when entering Costa Rica.  

Costa Rica’s coronavirus entry requirements:

1.  the Health Pass 

2. health insurance that is:
- Valid for the entire stay (coverage dates).

- $ 50,000 for medical expenses, including COVID-19.

- $ 2,000 for lodging expenses in case of COVID-19 quarantine.

The country will admit tourists who do not require a visa. U.S. and Canadian citizens do not require a separate visa. Tourists can verify if they require entry with or without a visa here.