Road Between Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro Collapses

The storm system surrounding Hurricane Eta brought heavy rains, flooding and landslides to the Chiriqui province November 4th, leaving Bocas del Toro effectively cut of from the rest of the country.
This information was provided by the Bocas Breeze Newspaper. For up to date information on Bocas del Toro and the surrounding communities follow @TheBocasBreeze. Photo by: Pulso Informativo
There are as many as 7 blockages and the total collapse of a bridge in Hornito leaving the road is closed until further notice.
The damages left over 70 people stranded in Hornito, near La Quijada del Diablo. Those stranded in the area are without access to food, water and means of communication. Around 500 people have been evacuated and humanitarian relief efforts are in progress.
The road reconstruction will be crucial for the community of Bocas del Toro as it is vital for supplies to travel. Residents are hopeful for the Panama and Costa Rica boarder to open which will allow for another passage between Bocas del Toro islands and the mainland’s roads.
There are reports of Chiriqui farmers who have lost much of their crops as a result of this natural disaster; which stands to complicate supplies even further.
If you would like to help you can.
You can make a cash donation to the Tierra Altas Chamber of Tourism: Cuenta Corriente, 0114352967, Camara de Turismo de Tierras Altas.
Contact: Luis Gonzalez de la Lastra, President.
They are collecting water, dried foods, blankets, hygienic products, diapers and clothing in Volcán at the mayor’s office and the church. Similar items can be donated in Changuinola between 10am - 4pm at Casa Club 20-30 Switche 4. Contact 6805-6224.
*On Isla Colon, donations are being collected at the ATP Building and Calle 8 Supermarket as of 12pm on November 5th
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