Panama predicts Fiestas Patrias 2020 will lead to a re-outbreak of Covid

"Make no mistake, the family bubble is not your entire family, it is the people you live with."

Stated the head of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) of Panama, Lourdes Moreno in response to the high number of families celebrating Fiestas Patrias 2020 in Panama.

If the country does not take the responsibility into their own hand an increase in cases in likely. The director of the Social Security Fund (CSS), Enrique Lau Cortés, pointed out, reassuring that the number of Covid-19 cases in Panama could rebound following the national holidays. 

"Several international observatories predict that Panama is going to have a re-outbreak, with a significant increase in cases in the second half of November and the month of December," said Lau Cortés.

Panama Fiesta Patrias 2020 

November 3rd - Separation from Colombia 

November 4th - Flag day

 November 5th - Colon day

 November 6th - National Holiday 

November 10th - First Cry of Los Santos

November 28th - Independence from Spain 

Minsa made a call to public awareness, especially those who are going to visit their relatives in the interior of the country, to remember that the use of a mask, hand hygiene and physical distancing can prevent contagions of Covid-19 .

The epidemiological report on Sunday, November 1, reported that 738 new positive cases were detected throughout the country, for a cumulative total of 134,336. The death toll stands at 2,706. Meanwhile, to date, 111,634 patients have recovered from the virus that was detected in the country on March 9.

The provinces of Panama and Panama West are the areas of the country with the highest number cases, with 64,066 and 23,018, respectively.