Coronavirus reaches Panama West

The Minister of Health, Rosario Turner , reported this March 12th 2020 that in 24 hours cases of Coronavirus in Panama have doubled.

As of March 12th 2020 there are 27 cases of coronavirus in Panama, most of them patients 40 years of age or older, 2 of these cases are in Panama West. 

With this, the president of the republic has declared a state of emergency.

Of the 27 patients diagnosed as of 4:00 p.m. Thursday March 12th, two are in intensive care and 3 are hospitalized; the other 21 are quarantined in their homes. 

The cases are geographically distributed as follows:

Panama Metro: San Francisco (5), Betania (4), Bella Vista (3) and Juan Díaz (3).

North Panama: Las Cumbres (3), Caimitillo (2) and Ernesto Córdoba (2).

San Miguelito: Amelia Denis De Icaza (1), Rufina Alfaro (1) and Omar Torrijos (1).

West Panama: New Emperor (1) and Juan Demóstenes Arosemena (1).

Updates are being posted in the All Things Coronado Facebook Group for residents in Coronado seeking information on the Coronavirus in Panama.