Plastic bag fines still not in effect

The Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco) has informed that fines for the breach of Law No. 1 of January 19, 2018 (use of plastic bags in stores) are not yet in affect
Despite the law that governs the use of plastic bags in supermarkets, pharmacies and retailers going into effect July 20th, fines for businesses that fail to comply with the law are still not being imposed. According to Acodeco the reason for this is that they are still in the process of training and teaching merchants and consumers on how to apply the law.
While it is unclear when the fines will actually be imposed, and the law will need to be observed (with recourse for those who do not comply), when the fines are finally imposed they will range from $100 - $500 depending on the size of the business.
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