2019 Pride month in Panama

Saturday June 1st was a historic day in Panama city as the pride flag was raised in Panama City as part of the World Pride Panama festival "Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges."
However, the raising of the flag on Calle Cinco de Mayo in Panama City was just the beginning. Earlier today, La Prensa reported that the pride flag would fly in 9 provinces making a stand for gay rights on a national level.
"This year, World Pride Panama arrived in [...] Bocas del Toro, Cocle, Chiriqui, Colon, Herrera, Los Santos, Panama West and Veraguas, making a national call for non-discrimination. " La Prensa
June 1st marked the start to an entire month of educational, cultural and artistic activities aimed at social integration, respect for diversity and the breaking of barriers, explained the organizers.
This year the Gay Pride Parade Panama 2019 is scheduled for June 29, which will mark the end of this month’s activities. The march begins at 3:00 pm on 12th Street and will go through the Old Town until Plaza V Centenario.