Family devastated after baby dies from burns

Nine month old Marcelo Muñoz has died after suffering serious burns in an explosion that took place in Panama City Friday May 31st.
According to sources mother, Karima Lima, 35, and her sons were transferred from the Hospital Pacifica Salud to the Santo Tomás Hospital, following the blast. While, exams showed no damage to internal organs for Miguel Ignacio, her five years old son, he is still at the Children’s Hospital in Panama.
Miguel Muñoz, husband, suffered no injuries. Local media reported that he had gone down to throw the garbage. The couple has resided in Panama for more than ten years. Lima is an investment broker in a Panamanian company. Gabriel Isaza, from the Fire Department, said that when they saw the scene they thought they would find more victims. "The disaster is great," he said. He explained that it was a deflagration by accumulated combustion, not an explosion, which produced an expansive wave that burst everything around him.
Juan Carlos Varela expressed his solidarity through his Twitter account, where he wrote "Our prayers are with the Muñoz Lima family, all the teams of the Public and Private Health System of the country make their best efforts in the face of the delicate situation."