Panama remembers U.S.Invasion 29 years ago

December 20th is a "Day of National Reflection" in Panama, as the country remembers the 1989 invasion lead by the United States.

Flags on public and private buildings are held at half-mass each 20th of December, to mark the U.S. invasion in 1989 leading to the deaths of citizens throughout the country. Many of these bodies lie in unmarked mass graves, the graves are labeled “Just Cause”.  The invasion is seen by many Panamanians as the most traumatic event in the country’s history.

Following the invasion came the capture of Military Dictator Manuel Noriega, the dictator was charged with drug smuggling and jailed in the US for 17 years. After this, he served additional time behind bars in France before returning to Panama and spending his last year’s in El Renacer prison, now home to Panama’s former president Ricardo Martinelli.

Commemorative events took place across the city December 20th, 2018 and a Commission with a  budget of $900,000  has been set up to investigate the event which will present a report to the public.  The final report is scheduled for 2019.

You can watch an informative video called "Just Cause: here.