Presidential CD spend over one million dollars

The Electoral Tribunal made public the report of contributions and expenses of the presidential CD candidates.
$1,140,298. was spent by the seven presidential candidates of Cambio Democrático (CD) who participated in the internal struggle of August 12, in which Rómulo Roux rose as the candidate that will represent that group in the 2019 general elections .
The information, as established in the Electoral Code., was made public after the publication of the reports of contributions and expenses of the participants that the Electoral Tribunal made public on its website.
Unlike Roux and José Raúl Mulino , who were the candidates who invested the most in the campaign, the rest, mostly, reported small private contributions.
Rómulo Roux, presidential candidate of Cambio Democrático (CD) and president of that political organization, spent $685,795 in the presidential primary during a campaign that lasted 45 days.
At least that is what he reported to the Electoral Tribunal (ET) in the report on private contributions and expenses.
Meanwhile, José Raúl Mulino, who took the second largest vote, reported expenses amounting to $396,067.
According to the report, available on the website of the TE, Roux spent $403,087 in advertising and $151,293 in payments for promotional items.
For his part, Mulino says that he received in kind donations of $43.629 and $ 46,350. in cash. He also explained that he, himself contributed $ 4,338 to his own campaign.
The family of former president Ricardo Martinelli also donated to the campaign of Mulino, which included his brother Mario Martinelli ($500), Guido Martinelli ($1,000) and Ivonne Martinelli ($500). For her part, Marta de Martinelli donated $10,000.
Most of the other candidates indicated in their reports that they did not receive private contributions, such as in the case of Rodrigo Sarasqueta, who said that he spent $57,664 of his own money. Of that amount, he said, $13,664 was spent on electoral propaganda.
Luis García and Iván Montalvo said that only $50 of their own funds was spent. Jorge Quiroz said he c$6ontributed $00 but spent $421.29. and Francisco Denis Real invested $250 in the campaign.
Article 212 of the Electoral Code says that in a primary the presidential candidates may spend up to a third of the $10 million which is the equivalent of the cap stipulated for the presidential candidate in the general tournament. From these funds, up to 30% may be used in electoral propaganda.
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