Hantan virus, a growing concern

The Hantan virus which is spread by mice and rats has claimed one death.
Six new cases of the Hanta virus are added to the statistics in the province of Los Santos in 2018. Carlos Muñoz , regional coordinator of epidemiology of Los Santos, reports that these six new cases were reported last week for a total of 61 cases.
Two of the patients (a 72-year-old from Pedasi and a 22-year-old from Tonosí) developed Cardiopulmonary Syndrome due to Hantan virus, and are on ventilators in the intensive care unit at the Joaquín Pablo Franco Sayas hospital.
two children under the age of 9, which are residents of Las Tablas and of Isla Caña have a fever due to the virus.
The epidemiologist noted that these patients are doing very well. The Tonosí district has accumulated 41 cases.
Meanwhile, the death of a 27-year-old woman in Coclé due to the virus has been confirmed by the Ministry of Health (Minsa).
It was the first case this year in Cocle . The victim lived in the Chaplaincy sector, district of Natá and according to the Ministry, the virus that affected her is more lethal than the one that has generated cases in Los the Azuero region.
Minsa epidemiologist, Domicio Espino, said that the patient was admitted to an Intensive Care. Samples were sent to the Gorgas Memorial Institute to corroborate the diagnosis.
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