Mayor knew about flood risk on Argentina

The Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects (SPIA) had reported the risks of flooding due to the works being done in the area.
The president of the SPIA, Gustavo Bernal , indicated that they delivered a report to the Mayor’s Office of Panama, after a tour of the area on April 19, in which "deficiencies in the control of sediments" were observed, which could result in the obstruction of the pluvial system.
The floods that occurred last weekend on via Argentina, Bella Vista generated a controversy between the Mayor’s Office of Panama and the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects (SPIA).
Currently, the local government is developing an urban revitalization project, valued at $ 26.2 million, which includes the construction of sidewalks, the burial of cables, the adaptation of storm drains and other improvements.
Bernal said that during the inspections,it was possible to demonstrate that the excavations carried out caused "severe" damage to the sewerage system and the rainwater system. The works generated a large amount of sediment, which helped to create "small dams", which influenced flooding on the road, residences and businesses in the area.
Another observation the SPIA reported in the report shows that the trees planted are "very close" to the street and are at risk of being hit by vehicles. It also mentions that the rainwater system should be adjusted to minimize runoff from surface water to the main and secondary roads. "The contractors must protect the new rainwater systems, to avoid their obstruction by solid waste that is being deposited. Failure to do so will affect the ability to drain rainwater, "
For its part, the City of Panama said yesterday that it has asked the company Constructora Urbana SA, (Cusa) , responsible for the renovation project on the Argentina road, to make adjustments in the work to prevent further flooding in the area.
Merchants and residents of via Argentina issued a statement yesterday about the "chaotic situation" they have experienced since the beginning of urban renewal and that, according to them, causes noise, gas emissions and obstruction of access to their businesses and homes.
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