Bad weather for the next 72 hours

More than 30 houses in various sectors of the capital and Panama West were flooded by yesterday’s heavy rains.
Major floods are affecting structures and homes in major areas in the city. Main roads in the city are experiencing flooding. .
A technical team made evaluations of a bridge affected by the overflow of the Palomo River in San Miguelito More damages are being reported through out the city. A structure collapsed in Colon.
Sinaproc has issued a prevention warning for deep sea condition, they estimate waves of up to 4.5 feet in the Panamanian Pacific area from June 19 to June 26. Atlantic swells may occur from 2 to 6 feet from Thursday 21 to Sunday June 24. According to scientific technical reports, the most significant swells will be on Thursday and Friday.
José Donderis , director of Sinaproc, asked the population to follow recommendations from the authorities and cautions the coastal communities.
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