Varela thinking of time off to watch the games

No Joke, president of the Republic Juan Carlos Varela said yesterday, May 29th, that they are evaluating the possibility of special work schedules for the weekday games featuring Panama.
It was a historic moment for Panama when the president, rewarded the public with a day off when they last brought the World Cup, says that this time it is up to the Minister of the Presidency Alvaro Aleman to analyze the options for the private sector. It is important that everyone may enjoy the moment without bringing harm to others.
’These are moments which unite the country. It will make us all wear the Panama shirt!’ said Varela.
Dates featuring Pannama:
Monday, June 18, 10:00 am - against Belgium
Sunday, June 24, 7:00 am - against England
Thursday, June 28, 1:00 am - against Tunisia
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