No agreement for highway rehabilitation

After almost a year and a half, a final agreement for the rehabilitation and widening of the Arraiján-La Chorrera highway has still not been signed.
One year and five months ago the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) was asked to execute a bond for the widening of the Arraiján-La Chorrera highway by the Comptroller of the Republic, Federico Humbert. The construction works for the rehabilitation and widening of the Arraiján-La Chorrera highway, have not yet begun as there is still no final agreement between the MOP and the company that will carry out the work.
This is partly due to a discovery by the company, Transcaribe Trading (TCT) that detected deficiencies or weakening in the asphalt.
The Minister of Public Works, Ramón Arosemena, "talks continue", and that the work is still underway on the topographic survey to make adjustments and repairs to the road.
The work initially had a total cost of $ 152 million, but this figure rose to $ 160 million after an addendum made during the last government.
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