4 Bombs found in less than a month
Over the last month, 4 bombs have been discovered on Isla Iguana in the last months and it’s affecting tourism.
The bombs, dating back to World War two and caused the country to put a hold on tourism activity on the island, stopping fishing activities and day trips while experts from the National Security Council work to detect and eliminate any more explosives that could be on the island.
The main area of El Cirial beach, where the first two bombs were found, was cleaned by experts and the first two bombs were detonated.
Two more bombs were discovered while experts cleaned the island. The two other bombs were discovered on that beach by a park ranger from the Ministry of Environment, the first was located on January 29 and the second on February 13.
Bolivar Dominguez, regional director of the Ministry of Environment in Los Santos, said that after the sweep at El Cirial beach, work will continue in the rest of the island to be declared 100% safe.

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