The new "Citizen Inspector" App

Do drivers that use the shoulder as a third lane drive you crazy? Well the ATTT and AIG are working to deter it with the mobile application "Citizen Inspector."
The application has been developed by the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) in pervious years. However, this year the government agency is implementing a new version to incorporate functions that will allow sending traffic complains such as prohibited turns, illegal U-turns and reporting shoulder drivers.
In addition, this new app will allow users to take photos, videos and voice recordings from the main screen and send it to inspectors of the ATTT who will then follow up and provide feedback to the complainant. If you are a new user of the platform, you must be validated in the system before being able to generate reports thus minimizing abuse.
Currently, the App allows complaints about public transportation not suitable for the road, badly parked vehicles and illegal parking in disability areas. The Citizen Inspector application also allows users to generate collision and accident alerts, objects on the road as well as floods in a geo-localized manner and also allows supports photos, audios, and videos taken or recorded instantly.
The application has been used in this country since 2016 and has had as to date 26,544 downloads. This App can be downloaded in the Store from Panama Apps and IOS platforms and allows the ATTT to then receive alerts on traffic and complaints, follow up on them and provide feedback to the citizen.
With the adaptation and modernization of this tool, the use of information and communication technologies continues to be encouraged, through government innovation programs and projects, with the aim of contributing to the modernization, automation, and optimization of State-level processes and for the benefit of citizens.
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