Melitón Arrocha appointed UN ambassador

The government appointed Melitón Arrocha as the new permanent representative of Panama to the United Nations (UN).

Arrocha has served as Deputy Minister of the Presidency, Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and as the commissioner of the Commission of Free Competition and Consumer Affairs. He was also Vice Chancellor of the Republic, served as Minister of Commerce and Industry and was elected deputy for the Panameñista Party (circuit 8-8).

 the Foreign Ministry said in a statement that, as an ambassador, Arrocha will continue with "positioning efforts of Panama with this international organization as a key player in the region for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Agenda."

The Foreign Ministry added that in his new position, Arrocha will support initiatives for the "defense of human rights, the promotion of international peace and security, the fight against poverty, the eradication of discrimination in all its forms, the balance between international tax cooperation and financing for development, and enhance the role of Panama in the global dynamic."