Arrest made in the murder of Catherine Johannet

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (MP) confirmed that authorities apprehended a suspect in the murder of US citizen Catherine Johannet, October 24th, 2017.
Erneldo Marquez, Bocas del Toro prosecutor, was in charge of the operation that led to the arrest of a minor on Cayo de Agua Island.
The MP said that an operation to detain the suspect was carried out from Friday, October 20, involving 30 members of the National Border Service, National Police, and investigation department. The operation requested boats and helicopters to aid in the travel of members in their search for the alleged murderer.
Since the suspect is a minor (under the age of 18) the investigation will be handled by the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Adolescents. This department will work to determine how and why this crime occurred.
Johannet, 23, was found dead on February 5, on Isla Bastimentos, but was last seen on Isla Colón. Following the young tourist’s disappearance in Bocas del Toro, the National Police offered a reward of $50,000 for information resulted in the capture of the perpetrator or a suspected perpetrators arrest.
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