7000 March in 2017 Panama Pride Parade

Panama’s Gay Pride Parade took place July 1st, 2017 drawing over 7000 participants. This year was one the most visible demonstrations for LGBT rights to ever take place in Panama, with the First Lady, Lorena Castillo de Varela, participating along with US Ambassador John Feeley and Mayor Jose Isobel Blandon.

Ambassadors from USA, UK, and Canada, and multiple businesses like Dell, and Uber were also in attendance. 

This year theme “Panama the sum of all” focused on equal rights for everyone. The march began on Avenida Balboa, continued to the Mirador Del Pacifico, the Fish Market ending of the Cinta Costera. Chants like “Panama despierta, include y respeta” were cried and written on signs. Ear