Fire destroys five homes in Emberá Querá community

The homes of five families were destroyed in the Emberá village of Emberá Querá April 13th 2017. A tour guided tour was taking place The local indigenous village when the fire broke out. The tour was lead by Anne Gordon, biologist and Emberá family member.

Anne posted “As we were just about to hear the traditional music before the end of the tour, we heard a big "whoosh" and all the Emberá started running. One of the houses was on fire, and with the wind and dry palm leaf roof, was gone in minutes and spread to 4 other houses so fast.” One thing Anne emphasized was the beauty in the quick action taken by the Emberá to take action save what they could. “Thank God not one person was hurt.” She said.

The photos appearing in the media were taken by Anne, “I did not want to take pictures, but knew it would help them to receive support.” Following the fires reports from authorities emphasized that the Joint Task Force group would coordinate to support the affected families. President Juan Carlos Varela asked the Joint Task Force (FTC) to provide "all the support to the affected families.”

Anne explained that a tour sechduled to take place Friday April 14th would continue in a effort to offer the community support.

There is also a go fund me campaign where donations are being taken.

Donate here.

Read “A Brief Visit to Panama's Emberá Quera Tribe” here.