Stores Fined for Improper Disposal of Garbage

The Urban Cleaning Authority (AAUD) has imposed 667 fines this year to stores in Panama for the improper disposal of trash in commercial areas.

The fines totaled $288,000 this year. AAUD explained that the fines are issued when commercial businesses do not comply with the rules of cleanliness, and dispose of waste in a poor manner in Panama City.


"It is prohibited  to be throwing, depositing or dumping solid materials in Public roads, easements, courses of natural or artificial waters (water sources), ravines, parks, gardens or public lands,” said a statement from the institution.

The entity did not identify the names of the businesses fined or their locations.

Penalties also apply for obstruction of the waste collection service, operating   clandestine landfills not authorized by the AAUD, and depositing toxic or corrosive materials.