Panama City Street Repair Budget Exceeds 50 Million

Recently the Panama City Mayor’s office announced that the renovation of Via Argentina and Calle Uruguay in Bella Vista would cost the city $52 million dollars, which left not only residents but engineers surprised.
For city with many areas which could use improvement, some felt that the budget was simple too high for such a small portion of the city, limited to just two areas. Even members of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects expressed doubts about the project.
Nicolás Real, said the money will only improve a small area of Panama City, “which is a lack of respect.”
However, Mayor José Isabel Blandón has already commixed $100 million to improving Via Espana up to Plaza Cico de Mayo. The Mayor stated that the reasoning behind the budget is that the renovation will not only improve the roads and sidewalks, but rather it is part of a “broader urban project.”