ATTT Enforcing Road Safety in Schools

Panama’s Transit & Land Authority (ATTT), has started a series of road safety talks aimed at students at the pre-primary level in public and private schools nationwide.
David Ramirez, Advisor to the Director General of the ATTT, said talks aim to educate on road safety, seeking to raise awareness on the importance of following the road signs.
"This year the project will reach 40,000 students nationwide," he said.
The talk worked with videos to teach the rules of the road that should be followed by people who are walking, biking, a passenger or driver.
To date, the first schools to receive ATTT talks are Santa Marta in Bugaba, Chiriqui province; Amaris Duran in Las Tablas; Saints, Evelio Dolores Reed, Chitre, Herrera and Santa Isabel, in Chepo, Panama. The program continues to expand it's reach to other areas.
"We are inviting institutions, public and private partnerships in the country to join this project in which we must all participate, because we will only stop losing innocent lives when we respect the pathways and road safety rules," said the director.
The Advisory ATTT asks drivers, passengers and pedestrians to obey existing road safety rules in order to prevent and avoid accidents.
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