Boxing Champ Caught Transporting Drugs

On Friday March 11th Panama’s former world boxing champion, Celestino Caballero confessed to transporting cocaine, National Police director Omar Pinzon says the 39-year-old retired boxer was detained Thursday on his way to Colon, his home province.
According to authorities Celestino Caballero is suspected of being in possession of about 10 kilograms of cocaine. According to his lawyer, he was moving the packages as a favor or errand, which he would be compensated for.
Orobvio explained in a press conference that Caballero “recognizes that he committed a crime, and is sorry” he continued “Caballero sends a message to the Panamanian people expressing his regret and acknowledging that he participated in a crime.
After his retirement as a boxer, Caballero was appointed as deputy director on the safety and security committee of the World Boxing Association, a position which he has been suspended from.
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