Young Talents to Perform at the Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival

While the Boquete Jazz festival is of course all about great music, it is also about fostering passion for music in Panama’s youth. Since 2012, one hundred percent of the festival profits have gone to support a program called “Music for Schools”, to date that is $7,300.
The money has helped local schools in Boquete to buy instruments for students, and to produce musical events where students can grow as musicians.
The 2016 Bouquet Jazz Festival will soon become that stage, as select fifth and sixth graders gear up to preform with Lee Oskar, L.A Smoth and Deanna Bogart! The performance will take place on Thursday February 25th as part of the opening activities for the 2016 Bouquet Jazz & Blues Festival. There will also be a harmonica and bongo workshop given by Oskar and Smith, with Logistical support from Supro Panamá, for the youngsters. The instruments used will be donated to local schools.
The festival has been a catalyst for musical education throughout local schools in Boquete. In addition to what the festival itself raises, there have also been individual and corporate donations of instruments into the local schools. And in Boquete these young musicians have the opportunity to be mentored by experienced artists!
This year festival organizers aim to raise enough to support another cause, in addition to supporting for local schools. The foundation they will support is the “Save Río Teta” foundation. More information on the foundation is available through the Facebook page saverioteta.
The 2016 festival begins on Wednesday February 24, with a warm up jam session that will continue each night through to Sunday. On Thursday hear the students perform with the pros, join the New Orleans masquerade parade through town and watch Pollera and Conga dancers, accompanied by bands. On Friday enjoy a garden party at the Panamonte and a acoustic performance by Shakura S’Aida at the Boquete community playhouse. Saturday & Sunday the Valle Escondido amphitheater will be filled with music! Among the performers featured are John Carney’s Gato Máximo, Marshall Keys, Ronnie Baker Brooks, Curtis Salgado, the Rigoberto Coba Big Band, Scott Ambush and Tommy Castro.
The grand finale, an all-star band including Oskar, Bogart and S’Aida.
For additional information and updates, check out the festival web page at:
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