Below is a list of a few more Spanish phrases you can incorporate into your program. Try to understand the logic of why they are said the way they are. Some are obvious, some not so obvious, and some just do not translate. Don't worry if you don't follow the logic, just memorize. For The Long Term: Para el largo plazo. I want to be a Spanish speaker for the long term. - Quiero ser un hispanoparlante para el largo plazo. Are you going to live in Panamá for the long term? - ¿Va(s) a vivir en Panamá para el largo plazo? Before or After: Antes de, despues de, followed by an infinitive or a noun.
Before eating.. - Antes de comer.
After dinner.. - Despues de cenar.
Before doing that, clean your room. - Antes de hacer eso, arregla tú cuarto.
After washing the car, I want you to clean the house. - Despues de limpiar el carro, quiero que limpie(s) la casa. Notice the use of the present subjunctive (limpie).
Before leaving, lock the door. - Antes de irse, asegure la puerta. Notice 'ir' being used reflexively, 'irse' to mean to leave and not to go.
After the movie, we went to the supermarket. - Despues de la película, fuimos al
To Be Available: Estar disponible.
Let's say you are in Panamá city and need a cab. You can go up to a driver and ask:
Are you available? - ¿Señor, está disponible?
Will you be available at 2pm?. - ¿Estará disponible a las dos? Notice the future tense,
Jasmine, thank you for being available to give me a lesson yesterday. - Jasmine, gracias por estar disponlible para darme una lección ayer.
Once And For All: - De una vez por todas.
I'm going to learn Spanish once and for all. - Voy a aprender español de una vez por todas.
She will do it once and for all. - Lo hará de una vez por todas.
To Be Used to, or in the Habit Of: Estar acostumbrado(a) de, Or Tener la costumbre de, both usually followed by an infinitive verb:
Estoy acostumbrado de cenar temprano. - I'm accustomed to eating early.
She is in the habit of shopping every day. - Tiene la costumbre de ir de compras cada día.
Ever say "I'm dying to do something? Me muero por:
I'm dying to go to Panama. - Me muero por ir a Panamá
I'm dying to jump in the pool. - Me muero por saltar en la piscina.
I'm dying to travel. Me muero por viajar.
Notice the infinitive verbs after por. Easy.
A few more for you:
Nothing is further from the truth. - Nada es más alejado de la verdad.
How boring! - ¡Que aburrido!
Who's fault was it? - ¿De quién fue la culpa?
I'm beginning to understand. - Ya voy entiendiendo.
I have something for you. - Te (or le) tengo algo.
I have found if I use a new phrase in a conversation, sometimes just once, I remember it. So try to use one or two phrases in conversation like the ones above. You will be surprised how quickly they become automatic.
And one more for the road:
I can't get enough of Spanish! - ¡No me canso de español!
