Nutrition for arthritis?

What is the arthritis? Arthritis is a musculoskeletal disease, which affect joints where two or more bones meet.  In the U.S. alone, in 2013, 50 million people suffer from arthritis.    Symptoms of arthritis can be pain, stiffness, and inflammation, all of which can cause damage to   joint cartilage. When the joint cartilage is damaged it restricts movement in the proper way, this inevitably increases the other symptoms.   People often believes that this illness is part of ageing, but is not. There are many factors associated to the appearance of arthritis, some of which are: genetics, low inmune system, obesity, musle weakness, repetitive movements, joint cartilage deffects, local trauma  and joint infection.    What to do?   There is a wide range of pharmaceutical remedies for arthritis symptoms, including pain killers and anti-inflammatory medicines. Most patients also required physiotherapy along with the pharmaceutical treatment, to reduce symptoms. Other less traditional ways to lower the pain and other symptoms include: acupuncture, meditation, relaxation, and aromatherapy. These alternatives are supplements and standing alone, are less effective.

The doctors with knowledge on this, also recommend exercise routines, and weight loss if needed, as this will help the joints to increase functions, and create toning in the muscles. Of course, the intensity of this exercise and the amount is kept at a minimum, as to exceed could be counterproductive. The ideal is to keep the muscle and join active, not to strain them. It will depend on the patient case, and of course the will of the patients to stick to the routine. To get better requires time, patience and work!
Nutrition and arthritis
Food can also help. Arthritis has multiple causes, and is a disease that can’t be cured, but relief can be found.  And who better to restore the imperfections of our body than the builders…
Omega 3, yes, you have probably already have heard about this, this little guy helps as an anti-inflammatory element inside our body, but be careful…. A lot of Omega 3, could become Omega 6 or 9, which has the opposite effect, or could just enhance your libido.  Omega 3s can be found in fatty fish, extra virgin olive oil, grape oil, corn oil, lettuce, spinach, pineapple, cucumber, almonds, dry nuts, strawberry, and more.
Glucosamine and Collagen, this element can be found in the cartilage of the meat we eat… but to get the amounts that you need to help this matter, you must be eating… well, a lot!. So you could better get this in powder, already process for you.
Cherry, several studies say that eating a dozen of cherries a day, could help you as it is an anti-inflammatory food.
Sweet peppers, have a high vitamin C content, B6 and folate, these elements help your bones by strengthening them. Added exercise will increase your muscle tone. 
Bananas, are a tasty way to fight against arthritis symptoms, because of all the vitamins and minerals that you get just with one piece! Bananas are a high magnesium food, they can decrease inflammation. But be careful if you also have Diabetes, they are almost prohibited!
Tofu, so you are vegetarian? Don’t worry, this soy product, gives you isoflavones, vitamin E and calcium, to protect your bones. This particular food, rich for its content, will help you prevent, if you don’t have arthritis yet, but also if you already have it, it will help you not to decrease the symptoms. 
Whole grain breads and cereals, the pantothenic acid in whole grains, as some studies shown, results in more ability, decreased morning stiffness and decreased pain. Based on a dose of 200 g daily for at least for 2 months. 
These are just a few examples, there are thousands more… do you need a personalized study? Ask for our Nutritional Assessment program! We will gladly help you attain a better quality of life.
Kyo-Sai Young, M.D.