In Home Patient Care, now available in Panama's Beaches

Health issues are one of the strongest concern for expats moving to Panama to live. While Panama has good doctors and medical care facilities, there is one company that is taking patient care to the next step and bringing treatment directly to your home. Mercerdes Ortegis, director of MD Integra has developed an on-call program that is tailored to the meet the needs of each patient. Weather it is a single consultation for a passing concern, or a condition that needs regular monitoring and assistance, help is at hand. The most popular programs are the 'On Call Clinic' and the 'Health Manager Program'. The On Call Clinic Services:
1. Conduct a comprehensive patient assessment: Each patient is attended to, and tested, according to their needs. After careful consideration, a treatment is formulated based on the individual requirements of each patient.
2. Provide prescription if required: Based on a patient’s needs, the doctor writes up a prescription, so a patient can take it directly to a local pharmacist as soon as the visit is completed.
3. Minimally invasive procedures are proved and performed: Need a vaccination? Inhalation therapy? No problem, all these are conducted right in the comfort of a home or office. This doctor also inserts urinary catheters, and nasogastric tubes.
4. A minor accident is attended to: If a patient damages a nail, or cuts themselves so they need sutures, they need not worry. Both of these can be taken care of by a doctor.
5. Laboratory sampling: The caregiver coordinates appointments with the patient, and follow-up interpretation consultations are arranged.
6. Escalation to emergency care: If the physician feels the patient needs to go to the hospital, depending on the situation, the doctor will inform the patient so that they can make arrangements to get critical care as soon as possible.
7. Specialist Referral: If the patient needs to see a specialist, the doctor will refer them to someone they know, and trust, who can take care of their special needs.
8. Post Care attention: If extra attention is needed, the doctor will provide any recommendations required that meet the patient’s needs.
9. Follow-up calls. Each patient receives a follow-up call if further assessment is required.
10. Patient’s History is recorded: Each patient’s file is kept with the doctor, allowing the physician to give a level of professional care which compliments their patient’s medical history.
The Health Manager Program:
A program was developed by this clinic that offers patients personalized care. Each patient registered to this program receives comprehensive and quality driven attention. The goal is to prevent disease before it occurs. Pre-existing conditions are monitored and the attending doctor develops strategies to implement a healthy lifestyle. According to the needs of the patient, various scheduled appointments are put into pace. Patient records are kept, and personal attention is the mandate. Health care professionals take care of everything from cuts to more complex medical tests and procedures. There are several packages to buy into, where visits can occur once per month for those that need regular care, to once every six months for patients who are healthy and only require a checkup.
Other Programs
Clinic on call also runs a Diabetes Clinic, a hypertension and cardiopulmonary diseases, and a wound and foot clinic.
Rates vary according to the procedure, and it is best to refer to the website, or to contact the clinic directly in order to price your personalized care package. For more details, contact MD Integra directly.