Drinking water before meals helps weight loss

Fit tip #10 - Getting Healthy at the beach in Panama with SunWave Fitness. Here is a great tip heading into the holiday season with all the parties ahead and for those who are a little anxious about gaining unwanted pounds. Most people know of this strategy but it never hurts to have a reminder about its effectiveness. According to the Weill Cornell Medical College Food and Fitness Advisor, 'Drink water before meals for more weight loss'. Dieters who drank two eight-ounce glasses of water before meals three times a day lost about five more pounds during a 12-week period than dieters who didn't drink water prior to their meals. All of the study participants ate a low-calorie diet during the course of the study. After 12 weeks, the pre-meal water drinkers lost an average of 15.5 pounds, while the non-water drinkers lost an average of 11 pounds.
Another effective strategy to manage calorie consumption while imbibing, is to drink water first before you fill your glass with your alcoholic beverage. This is a good way to stay better hydrated and lower the amount of calories consumed with alcohol and mixed drinks.
So drink up! (H20 that is :) Good luck and remember to stay active!
See you in class!