3 ways to prevent Sarcopenia

Fit tip #8 - Getting Healthy at the beach in Panama with SunWave Fitness. The age-related loss of muscle mass and strength is called Sarcopenia. The ultimate price of this condition is loss of balance, reduced mobility and the frailty so often seen in the elderly. Although sarcopenia is part of the aging process, it doesn't have to be a necessary or normal component of aging. It goes hand in hand with decreased physical activity and increased likelihood for falls and fractures. According to Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter, May 2011, there are 3 ways to prevent sarcopenia;
1. Avoid excess weight gain - Extra pounds are a strong predictor of physical disability, also taking a toll on bones, joints and your heart.
2. Remain physically active - Resistance exercise is the most potent stimulus of muscle growth in healthy adults.
3. Eat a varied, nutritious diet - Healthy muscles are maintained by eating an adequate amount of protein along with a hearty helping of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
So regardless of your age, make sure you continue challenging those muscles with resistance exercises, watch your weight and always make healthy food choices to hang onto that muscle tissue for an active, healthy life.
See you in class!