How many calories should you consume per day?

Fit Tip#7 - Getting Healthy at the beach in Panama with SunWave Fitness. How Many Calories Should You Consume? - "Food & Fitness Advisor, Weill Cornell Medical College - May 2011" (these are rough estimates)







Only light physical activity
associated with typical
activities of daily living(ADL)

2000 - 2200


Physical activity equivalent to walking about 1.5-3miles per day at 3-4miles per hour, in addition to light physical activity
associated with typical ADL

2200 - 2400


Physical activity equivalent to walking more than 3 miles per day at 3-4 miles per hour, in addition to light physical activity
associated with typical ADL

2400 - 2800

2000 - 2200


Given the activity levels indicated, consuming the associated calories will roughly maintain one's current weight and ensure that daily nutrient requirements are met.  Decreasing one's body fat ('lose some weight') can be successfully achieved by creating a calorie deficit as described in Fit tips #5 and #6.  This can be done through a combination of small changes in Lifestyle ie. increase activity level and decrease calories consumed.  The key is to make the changes small and be patient in attaining the results.  Remember who the winner was in the race between the tortoise and the hare!


altSee you in class!




















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