A Thank You to Two Very Good Friends

Four years ago, when my wife and I first discovered Panama, I was a year from having had a minor heart attack. I had dropped some flab, but I was still overweight, and even though I had begun to cycle in Canada, I was in rather poor condition. A mutual friend, Jody Hessler, introduced us to Randy and Ellen Gangle. The ladies shared an interest in all things equestrian, and I suggested to Randy that I enjoyed cycling. His description of the available roads and trails convinced me that I if I wanted to even consider riding with Randy and his friends I would need a better bike. Sort of like the line from “Jaws” when Roy Scheider sees the great white shark for the first time and comments “I think we need a bigger boat…” These guys were hard core cyclists.
On Tuesday, 29 December 2009, I rode 11.2 km with Randy through the streets of Coronado. I was wiped. He had not even broken a sweat. By mid April I was down 5 kgs and up to 36 km. I was also riding with both Randy and his good friend Joe Parker twice a week. At that point Randy “suggested” that I should consider participating in the annual Coronado Triathlon with himself and Joe. It is at this point necessary to understand that Randy is in point of fact Col. Randolph Gangle, USMC (ret). When a US Marine colonel (even “retired”) “suggests” one should do something, it is a tad more than a suggestion.
I began to train with some genuine intensity for the first time in too many years. I got the swim, bike and run distances down, and began to work toward putting all three together.
On Sunday, 15 August, we lost Joe Parker to a heart attack as he was beginning a half marathon in el Valle. He never did anything part way. But on our rides he was always the one to wait for me at the obscure forks in the trail. I knew him for far too short a time, but I will always value his friendship and example.
Assuming that the Triathlon would be held as usual in late August, Randy and Ellen booked a European trip for late September. This year the committee decided to schedule the Triathlon for 26 September. I was on my own.
So at 63 years of age, at 0730hrs on 26 September, 2010 I hit the water running in my very first Triathlon. 2 hours and 37 minutes later I crossed the finish line, smiling like an idiot.
Thanks Randy. Thanks Joe.