Blue Nun

Riesling.     (Riesling, Muller-Thurman & Silvaner grapes) {mosimage}Riesling and Germany tend to be synonymous although the Alsace region of France and the U.S. produce  Rieslings. By nature they are sweet and have a fruity taste but there are dry Riesling’s produced. The main growing area is either side of the Rhine and the tributaries of the Saar and Mosel.  Rheinhessen, south of Frankfurt is considered the premier growing area. Most German wines are found in brown bottles and particularly Rhine wines, whereas Mosel wines are in green bottles and  blends are now frequently in blue bottles. The Riesling is not as popular today as iy was 30 and 40 years ago but they still offer fine clarity and tend to be very refreshing which makes them a great pre-meal drink. some German wines are finely carbonated and although difficult to detect adds to the drink ability.


Our wine taste today is a Blue Nun -- $7.39 from Rey

Blue Nun was originally a Liebfraumilch but has now been upgraded to a “Qualitatswein” and now contains a minimum of 30% Riesling. This has made the wine slightly drier than previous. It comes from the Langguth/Sichel wineries in the Rheinhessen district and for those who haven’t tried this wine for some time might be in for a pleasant surprise.

Comments ( from 2 regular  wine drinkers and 1 infrequent wine drinkers )

- Not as sweet as I has expected but definitely German.
- I enjoyed this wine although rarely drink white wines.
- Sweeter than most wines but still very palatable.