Benjamin - Nieto Senetiner 2006


This white grape has produced wines universal in their appeal and is the main grape used in Champagne. Its origin is probably the white Burgandy and most highly priced “Chards” are aged in oak with French Chablis being a noticeable exception. They are naturally on the dry side but cheaper chardonnay’s are blended to add a degree of sweetness. The majority of Chardonnay’s  have a definite oak taste. Most wineries throughout the world produce a Chardonnay.

Our wine taste is Benjamin - Nieto Senetiner 2006  $4.69 from Rey

This Argentinian winery is located in Medoza State - considered Argentina’s premier growing region - but is sweeter than most chardonnay’s and has no oak nose. Probably too sweet and lacking in oak for the true “Chard’ drinker.

Comments ( from 2 regular  wine drinkers and 1 infrequent wine drinkers )

- I quite like it but more as a social drink than a dinner wine.
- Very palatable but not my taste.
- It has no redeeming features but ironically I enjoyed it.