Panama Star – English Newspaper in Circulation

Panama’s oldest newspaper, The Panama Star has returned to circulation. Yesterday the newspaper’s public relations department dropped by Expat West Dinner, with advance copies of the newest edition to be published September 4, 2007.
The Panama Star will make it’s appearance as a supplement to La Estrella and will be published six days a week, Sunday to Friday. Sales Executive María Immaculada Gómez said that home or office subscriptions can be arranged through her. You can email Maria at Gomez@
The paper will cover, local news, shopping guides, wining and dining information, and help with understanding the Panamanian social scene and local politics.
The Panama Star was born way back on February 24, 1849 to meet the needs of an English speaking community. Judging from the amount of English spoken in the grocery stores, bars and restaurants, it would appear that the time is right once again to make it’s appearance.