5th Annual Coronado X-Terra Sprint Triathlon

The Xterra sprint distance triathlon was held this Sunday at the Coronado Beach Resort for the 5th consecutive year in a row. Unlike a typical triathlon where participants use lightweight road bikes and swim in a closed area like a pool, the Xterra series challenges athletes with a course more suited for rugged mountain bikes and a durable pair of running shoes. “We love the roads in Coronado, that’s half the fun” says Allan Baitel, president of the Triathlon Club of Panama. “The potholes and hairpin turns make the race unlike any of our other events.”
Athletes from around the country began the race at 7:30 on a beautiful Sunday morning in Coronado. A 750 meter open ocean swim followed by a 20km bike and ending with a 5km run is the typical length for a “Sprint” triathlon, but the Coronado race is anything but typical. With surf reaching over head-high, rugged road conditions, and a grueling 500 meter beach sprint to end the race, athletes crossed the finish line ready for a well earned descanso. The organizers of the event, the tri club of Panama, say the Coronado event is one of the more popular races because of the venue. “Coronado really lets us take over the town, and the participants just love coming to this event,” says Allan Baitel, president of Unión de Triatlón de Panamá.
The tri club sponsors 15 events a year, and have over 200 members, some as young as 4 years old. Event locations vary throughout Panama. “We couldn’t do it without the great volunteers and corporate sponsors like Reebok and the Coronado Hotel Beach Resort. They really bring it all together and make each event a success.” Says Baitel.
Coronado’s very own Randy Gangle participated in the event in the above 50 age group. Randy finished in 2 hours, 11 minutes and 3 seconds. Congratulations Randy!
Unión de Triatlón de Panamá welcomes anyone interested in joining the club. For more information visit www.triathlon.org.pa.
This article is a collaborative effort by Kent Preiss-Davis of Buscapanama.net and Jamuna Burry of Playacommunity.com