With All The Drug Trafficking - Is Panama Safe?

newsnviews2.jpg(panamanewsbriefs.com) Question received today via email: "Is panama a safe place to buy a retirement home due so much drug, traffic? I'm looking forward for a place to live with my family but a safe place." Large scale drug trafficking of cocaine through and around Panama is not a new thing. Consider this - all of the cocaine that's ever been done in the United States of America came from South America, primarily Colombia, and to get to the retail end user markets in the United States it had to go through or near Panama. What's new is that now there are now many more drug seizures happening in Panama. Drug trafficking organized crime groups are using Panama more frequently as a base for coordination, meetings, money laundering, logistics, communications, etc. For the most part this activity occurs right under the noses of the English speaking expatriates who choose to live here. And, considering that these guys primarily want to traffic drugs to make millions of dollars, they try very hard to not draw any attention to themselves and their activities. To that end they tend avoid gringo retirees like the plague. So, to answer your question, drug trafficking has been going here forever, it will continue to occur, and if you move here the chances of that activity touching your life in any way are very slim. Hope this helps.


By DON WINNER for Panama-Guide.com