To accommodate new players and those players that wish to play more than once a week, we will be adding Friday noons at the Beach Club, beginning August 24 to our weekly schedule.
Monday Evenings at Marv and Deborah Turl’s home, 7:00 P.M. Coordinator: Deborah Turl, 240-4975
Tuesday Mornings at the Club de Golf Terrace,
Play at 10:00 A.M. Many players meet for breakfast before the game. Coordinator: Barbara Schlottke,
6630 8630
Friday Noon at the Beach Club for Lunch at 12 Noon,
Games begin immediately after lunch. Coordinator:
Kathie Bishop, 6672 0026
Each player donates $1.00 to the Social Association with funds designated for assistance with school supplies for children in the area. More players, more kids we can help!
It is very important that each player confirm with the coordinator for the day of play whether or not they will be playing. This will assure that we have enough Mahjong sets and tables available for play.
We are seeing great progress with our players and find it hard to believe this is a beginning group!