Millions for Panama-Colombia Power Connection


newsnviews2.jpgPanama, Oct 4 (Prensa Latina) The electric interconnection project between Panama and Colombia, to become operacional by 2012, will need investments for 207 million dollars, reported industry sources.

The transmission line will extend for 381,5 miles, of which 170 in this nation and 211 in the neighboring country, in an initiative where air lines prevail ( 347 miles).


The interconnection operations will be in charge of Intercolpa company, joint venture formed by local Empresa de Transmision Electrica, S.A. and the Colombian entity ISA


The planned budget includes work to expand substations Cerromatoso and Panama II.


As part of the preps an evaluation will be made on the environment, which will be submitted to the consideration of the corresponding authorities.


A part of the technical and social studies will have a financial support of 1.5 million dollars to be contributed by the Interamarican Development Bank (IDB).