A message to members of AREPLACOR

The Coronado Beach Property Owners Association (AREPLACOR), is the association dedicated to security, overseeing road maintenance, and sharing community information in Coronado.
Saturday, September 7, 2024 the Coronado Beach Property Owners Association (AREPLACOR) will hold their Ordinary General Assembly meeting at 10:00 a.m. the Coronado Luxury Club & Suites Bahía Serena Hall, Playa Coronado.
At this meeting the election of the new Board of Directors will take place along with the president’s report, with achievements and goals, and a review of the previous minutes.
Event details:
➢ *Date:* Saturday, September 7, 2024
➢ *Time:* 10:00 A.M.
➢ *Venue:* Coronado Luxury Club & Suites, Bahía Serena Hall, Playa Coronado
In order to attend the meeting, you must be a member of AREPLACOR. To find out more about AREPLACOR or to become a member write: asistente@arena.com.pa or call (507) 6142-2257.
To exercise your vote, you must be in good standing with the Association’s membership dues.
1. Confirmation of quorum
2. Reading of the previous minutes
3. President’s Report
➢ Achievements and goals
4. Treasurer’s Report
➢ Audits and results
5. Election of the new Board of Directors
6. Any other business proposed by the members