World Photography Day

World Photography Day traces its roots back to August 19, 1839. This date marks the moment when the French government purchased the patent for the daguerreotype process and released it

 - to the world as a gift. The daguerreotype, invented by Louis Daguerre, was the first practical photographic process and played a crucial role in popularising photography.

The first official celebration of World Photography Day was organised by Australian photographer Korske Ara in 2010. Ara initiated the World Photography Day project in 2009 to encourage photographers to share their work with the world, fostering a global appreciation for the art of photography.

World Photography Day celebrates the diversity of photography, encompassing everything from landscapes and portraits to street and wildlife photography. It highlights the technological advancements in the field, from early daguerreotypes to modern digital cameras and smartphones. This day serves as an inspiration for both amateur and professional photographers to explore their creativity and share their unique perspectives with the world.

In honor of World Photography Day, Coronado Frame is offering a special promotion: a free second mat on any custom framing job for the month of August. This is a great opportunity to preserve and showcase your cherished photographs.

Coronado Frame is located 110 meters on the road to Nueva Gorgona on the left-hand side. Take advantage of this special offer and celebrate the art of photography with a beautifully framed piece.

World Photography Day is a reminder of the power of photography to capture moments, tell stories, and connect people across the globe. Whether you are a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic amateur, this day is an opportunity to celebrate your passion for photography and the technological innovations that have made it accessible to all.