Come enjoy your vacation in Coronado!
Come with your family and enjoy the school holidays from June 10th to 14th. Explore Coronado’s pristine beaches and create lasting memories in the sun.
With a stay at Coronado Luxury Club & Suites, where comfort meets elegance, you can enjoy dining options that satisfy all palates. Relax in the tranquility of the resort, with many family-friendly options and activities to create special moments that will be cherished for years to come.
Also, don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate Father’s Day. ...Surprise dad and book your stay now; to embark on a weekend getaway filled with unforgettable family connections.
Two activities to spend with the family!!!
Accommodation from $145.00 weekdays and from $169.00 weekends. Per room, per night +itbms /night includes breakfast for 2 adults and 2 children.
To make you reservation call 240-4444 | 6747-0959
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