Panama Longboard Classic & Market

The Panama Longboard Classic and market will take place December 4th & 5th at Playa Caracol in Punta Chame. The day will be full of surfing, activities for kids, a market, and good vibes!

registration is now open in the categories of men, ladies, masters, children at a cost of $20 for adults and $10 for kids. Everyone is welcome, the contest is friendly, meaning it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner! 

There will also be a special category for party waves - because sharing is caring. 

The artisanal market is open to new vendors, it’s a great time to show the community your homemade goods as people are shopping for Christmas gifts!

For registration of If you want to join the vendors at the Panama Longboard Classic

For more info on the market @kelly_prada_