Canadian citizens traveling from Panama to Canada in 2021

Canada is easing border measures for Canadians arriving to Canada from Panama. June 21st, 2021 Canada announced that fully vaccinated travelers permitted to enter Canada will not need to quarantine.
Canadians traveling to Canada from Panama
"Beginning July 5, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. EDT, fully vaccinated travelers will not be required to quarantine or complete a day-8 test. In addition, fully vaccinated travelers arriving by air will not be required to stay at a government-authorized hotel to await their on-arrival test results."
However, it is important to note that, unvaccinated minors or dependent adults who are traveling with fully vaccinated travelers must still quarantine for 14 days and follow all testing requirements. They are not required to stay at a government-authorized hotel.
Canada’s pre-entry and on-arrival testing requirements:
- be asymptomatic and submit all required COVID-19 information electronically into ArriveCAN prior to travel to Canada - have a paper or digital copy of their proof of vaccination, and have a suitable quarantine plan.
To be considered fully vaccinated travelers must:
- received the full series of COVID-19 vaccines (or combination of vaccines) accepted by the government of Canada, at least 14 days prior to entering Canada.
- accepted vaccines include Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson).
- Travelers must provide proof of vaccination in English or French (or a certified translation).
UPDATE - Officials also announced tas of Aug. 9, children under 12 — who aren’t yet approved to receive a vaccine — will be exempt from the quarantine requirement after entering Canada and can move around with their parents if they follow public health measures.
Starting Aug. 9 at 12:01 a.m. ET. — fully vaccinated U.S. citizens and permanent residents living in that country will be able to visit Canada without having to quarantine for two weeks. (CBC)