MINSA announces reopening of beaches in Panama (UPDATED)

Update: Beaches in Panama and Panama West are closed. After three days of confusion on this matter, the government has released information determining which beaches in Panama would reopen.

Here is the new information: Are beaches open in Panama?

Here is the Executive Decree released January 13th in Official Gazette No. 29196-B bearing the signature of President Laurentino Cortizo and the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, calling for the reopening of beaches in Panama.

In the decree Article No. 14,  prohibitions during the total quarantine (Saturday and Sunday). The article also has restrictions for access and use of parks and rivers. Likewise, during the total quarantine, the use of open and closed social areas, gyms, and swimming pools of the properties of horizontal property, neighborhoods, and residential properties is prohibited.

Article No. 16 establishes that it is prohibited throughout the country to carry out any activity that involves crowds in public places. So if you are using the beach you must do so in your bubble. Parking and the sale and consumption are prohibited. In addition, it was emphasized that the sanitary fences will be maintained in the provinces of Panama and Panama Oeste. This means you cannot travel outside of your province to go to the beach. 

Information from La Prensa article Beaches and parks will be open from Monday to Friday, according to the decree of the Minsa