What will be open during lockdown?

Panama’s health ministry has detailed the services that may be provided from January 4 to 14 when mobility restriction will be applied by gender and ID in Panama and Panama West.
These essential services in Panama will remain open during the January 4th - January 14th 2021 lockdown
1. members of public service including those dedicated to attending emergencies at a national level.
2. Diplomats, mayors, representatives of districts, the ministry of health, social Seguro, firefighters, Sinaproc, IDAAN, AAUD, ACC, border patrol, immigration, airport personnel, ACODECO, Maritime Authority, ATTT, banks, notaries, sanitary authrotiy.
3. Health professionals, doctors, administration in hospitals, emergency vehicles, public and private clinics, and labs.
4. Lawyers *to exercise the defense of the rights of those detained during the mobility restriction period
5. Veterinary clinics and services
6. Metro and Mi Bus along with administration, and other public transit.
7. Panama Canal Authority
8. Highway patrol (ENA) and Madden-Colon S.A providers and subcontrators
9. Tocumen Airport personnel and providers, sub-contractors’ activities related to the operation of the airport.
10. International Marcos A Gelabert S.A Airport personnel and providers, sub-contractors’ activities related to the operation of the airport.
12. Airline Personelle and related activites
13. Passengers that come or leave Panama must present airline tickets and passports when traveling to or from the airport.
15. Passengers within the country must present airline tickets and passports when traveling to or from the airport.
16. pharmacies, and public health including manufacturers and suppliers
17. Cleaning companies, and businesses dedicated to the production of disinfectants and hygiene. Garbage personnel. Cleaners in condo buildings.
18. Restaurants that have delivery service and businesses dedicated to delivery.
19. Supermarkets, mini supers, markets, and food suppliers.
20. Hotels, hostels, and inns.
21. Companies related to agriculture, farms, and transport of animals and agriculture.
22. Potable water.
23.Processing plants, packing plants, food and beverage distributors, and packaging companies.
24. Security companies
25. Power generation, transmission, distribution and operation.
26. Gas stations and distribution companies, supply and transport of liquid fuels
27. Maritime and logistics transport, including services and repairs to ships, ports, cargo transport for import and export, maintenance talents of transport equipment of cargo.
28. Operational personnel required to preserve the air transport, cargo and passenger industry, aircraft maintenance, support equipment and simulators, aircraft security and facilities, and technological infrastructure technical support.
29. Operational personnel of car rental companies that provide services to government entities and companies included in the exceptions of this Executive Decree; 30. Companies dedicated to the air, passenger, maritime, and land freight industry.
31. Telecommunications companies, internet and telephone providers (fixed and mobile), as well as maintenance of State institutions and companies that are authorized to operate in this Decree, as well as their distributors.
32. Communication means, including radio, television, television operators, newspapers, and their distributors.
33. Companies dedicated to the provision of private security services;
34. Banks, finance companies, cooperatives, insurance, providers, electronic processing of transactions, financial institutions, and other financial services.
35. Companies that provide the following public services: Funeral homes, cremation rooms, cemeteries, and companies that provide label pressure service for food, medicines, medical supplies, hygiene and cleaning products: and those dedicated to printing telecommunication cards. Laundries that provide services to medical-sanitary facilities. and companies dedicated to the service of collection, treatment, and disposal of solid and hospital waste and their sub-natators.
36. Companies dedicated to the sale and distribution of medical-hospital equipment, medicines, vaccines, and any other articles and public health supplies, including manufacturers, suppliers, and maintenance of the same.
37. Companies dedicated to the maintenance and repair of elevators, water tanks, power plants, and gas installations,
38. Work activities carried out by virtual means or teleworking.
39. The companies and specific activities whose reactivation, operation, and mobilization is authorized by the Ministry of Health.
40. Domestic, industrial, and maritime pest controllers (fumigators)
41. Hardware stores.
Home delivery services used for the sale of food and medicines may operate until 10:00 p.m.
Sanitary fences will remain in place in the provinces of Panama and Panama Oeste, from January 4 to January 14, 2021 In order to ensure compliance with this measure.
Women will be able to circulate on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and men on Tuesdays and Thursdays, only to make purchases of food or medicine.
A curfew is established for the provinces of Panama and Panama West from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am, from Monday, January 4, until Thursday, January 14, with the exception of days of total quarantine.
On January 9, 1964, for Martyrs Day one person per family - and if necessary a companion - may mobilize on January 9 to the visit cemeteries.
The use of parks, squares, stadiums, gyms, the coastal strip, the Amador causeway, beaches, rivers, and spas are prohibited during the total quarantine period.
Also closed are social areas, gyms and swimming pools of condos, neighborhoods and residential buildings, and hotels, which may not be used.
meetings or celebrations between people who do not live in the same residence are not allowed.