Places and payment methods for the payment of your insurance policy

During this this difficult time, Julio Luque of J2L Insurance offers some information on methods to keep your insurance policies up to date.
1. Online payments on your insurance company website, through the payment button. It is easy,
just enter to your insurance company webpage and enter your policy number, ID or RUC, enter
your credit card information and make the payment.
2. Payments through online local banking, from the comfort of your home or office and at any
time, you can make your payments to through online banking
3. Voluntary payments Direct at authorized agents: El Rey, Mr. Precio, Farmacias Metro, Romero
and Western Union.
Payments options may vary depending on your insurance company, below we have listed the
insurance companies and the different methods of payment they offer:
1. Online payments on your insurance company website, link:
2. Payments through online local banking from the following banks:
- Global bank
- Banco general
- Multi bank
3. Voluntary payments Direct at authorized agents: El Rey, Mr. Precio, Farmacias Metro, Romero
and Western Union.
1. Online payments on your insurance company website, link :
2. Payments through online local banking from the following banks:
- Banco general
- Banistmo
3. Voluntary payments Direct at authorized agents
- Súper Xtra
- Machetazo
- Súper 99
4. You can make direct transfers to the ASSA account, current account No. 03-01-09-009204-7 of
Banco General, identifying the payment with your name, ID number and policy number.*
Important, if you do not enter this data, the payment cannot be applied.
1. Online payments on your insurance company website, link :
2. Payments through online local banking from the following banks:
- Banco general
1. Payments through online local banking from the following banks:
- Global bank
- Banco Panamá
*Important (send the payment confirmation and detail the name and policy number of the
insured to the email:
2. Voluntary payments Direct at authorized agents
- Supermercados Rey Multipago
- Farmacias metro
1. Online payments on your insurance company website, link :
2. Payments through online local banking from the following banks:
- Global bank
- Banesco
- Banvivienda
- Capital bank
- Banco general
- Bac Credomatic
- Unibank
- Ficohsa
3. Voluntary payments Direct at authorized agents: Multipagos, El Rey, Mr. Precio, Farmacias
Metro, Romero and Western Union, Epagos.
1. Payments through online local banking from the following banks:
- Banco Nacional de Panamá
- Banco Panameño de la Vivienda
- Banco General
- Global Bank
- BAC International Bank
- Banistmo
- Banesco
- Capital Bank
- Banco Ficohsa
- Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples EDIOACC R.L.
2. Voluntary payments Direct at authorized agents:
- Epagos:
- Súper Xtra
- Machetazo
- Súper 99
- Multipagos:
- El rey
- Mr. Precio
- Romero
- Farmacias Metro Plus.
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