No water Tuesday & Wednesday

IDAAN informed of a suspension in service for areas within the district of Chame starting Tuesday May 14th from 8:00 a.m. until Wednesday at 12:00 noon. Affected areas include Coronado & Gorgona.
The suspension is due to "preventive maintenance" that will take place at the treatment plant located in Chame. While the electromechanical personnel are performing maintenance on one of the control valves of the water treatment plant of Chame, water tank trucks have been coordinated to supply the affected areas.
Monday afternoon IDAAN called on residents in the affected sectors to take the necessary measures to avoid shortages during the suspension of service that will last over 24 hours.
Expect to be without water today and tomorrow morning if you are in: Coronado, Punta Barco Nuevo, Gorgona, Chame, Lirio, La Paz, airport sector, Los Nisperos or Arena Negra.