CBD, Cannabis, Marijuana, THC, And Hemp

Thanks to Dr. Sanjay Gupta on the CNN cable series, “Weed” and “The Sacred Plant” docuseries, most people understand the terms cannabis, marijuana, THC and CBD.

In summary, THC is found in marijuana and is the phytochemical that makes you ‘high’ and want to binge eat pizza. CBD is the an equally powerful phytochemical found in hemp that reduces pain, the effects of chemotherapy, boosts the immune system, modulates epileptic seizures…the list goes on. What it doesn’t do, is make you “high.” The use of cannabis for the treatment of medical issues dates back thousands of years and it was regularly recommended and easily available.

The criminalization of marijuana in the early 1900’s was the result of restrictions on the non-medical use of opiates and cocaine—laudanum and morphine were readily available from doctors for everything from pain to “nerves.” Early versions of over-the-counter Bayer Aspirin contained heroin. It was the era of Prohibition and marijuana got caught up in the anti-alcohol, anti-drug net. 

Now, almost 100 years later, people are turning back to what Nature has provided -- plant based remedies for digestive problems, seizures, neuropathic pain, depression & anxiety, cancer -- because THEY WORK and they are largely without the laughable warning list of side effects (including death) that accompany so many modern pharmaceuticals.  

Co-Founders in Cloud Forest Botanicals of Boquete, Dianne Heidke and Elizabeth Worley have developed a unique line, Hemp & Herb, which combines their traditional organic botanical tinctures with whole plant hemp isolate from Colorado—with strengths from .4 to 2.5 mg CBD per drop. Coming soon, many of these products will be available in the Organica stores in Panama City, Coronado and Boquete. Their website provides additional information on each botanical, its use, and contents. www.cloudforestbotanicals.com

Diane and Elizabeth each have an extensive and varied background before and since coming to Panama in 2004, including work in a botanical research facility, post-graduate study in plant genetics from the University of Tel Aviv, and a long history of working with various indigenous medicine people. They share these experiences on their website and provide many links to articles and research studies.

The emerging medical marijuana and CBD world market isn’t all about healing, however.  Forbes Magazine is projecting that sales of CBD and medical marijuana will top $3 billion dollars in 2019, just in the U.S.  It takes only a few seconds on Google to turn up millions of hits for products, business start-ups, billionaire wannabees, and multi-level marketing (MLM) opportunities.

Legalization (decriminalization) is proceeding around the globe as countries race to repeal draconian laws. Discussions are already underway in Panama, where hemp derived dietary supplement products are legal. In February, CannaTech, an industry leader in the world of medical marijuana, will host the First World Symposium in Panama City.

When seeking out hemp oil CBD for neuropathic pain, digestive problems, depression, anxiety and other health challenges, ALWAYS ask for a Chemical Analysis and Source of Origin. Who makes it? Where is it grown? How is it processed? Some European and Asian products may be contaminated with heavy metals from decades of pollution. “Know your source.”

To your health,

Cloud Forest Botanicals (TM)

