Mangroves to be affected by Corridor expansion

The expansion to six lanes will allow the Interamericana to become a more expeditious route for the hundreds of cars that circulate in the area.
The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) presented the environmental impact study (EIA) , category II, of the project known as the beach corridor, the first section, which runs from La Chorrera to Chame, in the province of Panamá Oeste.
This first part was awarded in November 2017 to the FCC Corredor de las Playas I consortium, made up of the Spanish FCC Construcción and the Mexican Operadora Cicsa, which obtained the best score by presenting a proposal of $ 543 million. The order to proceed was given last May..
According to the environmental study, the area directly touched by the work covers a total area of 254.8 hectares. The project begins in the corregimiento of Guadalupe in the district of La Chorrera, continues in the district of Capira and, finally, extends to the Chame district.
The vegetation touched by the six lane extension of 81 hectare are: 61 hectares corresponds to stubble; 9 hectares, to young secondary forest; 6 hectares to intermediate secondary forest, and 4 hectares to forest plantations of species such as teak.